One man’s story of “coming out” of religion.

When one has made the decision to pursue truth and are no longer afraid of where it might lead, they will find themselves adopting new, upgraded philosophy they once swore they would never accept. If we are going to embrace love with this same fearlessness, we will quickly find ourselves in kinship alliance with people like Jim. His courage for naked honesty is a powerful inspiration, showing so many others that they are not alone, and giving them the permission to embrace the truths that set them free as well.
– Ken Dahl, author of “Honesty: The Final Frontier”

This is a story of a lifetime of battling homosexuality, self-hatred, religious obsession, suicidal desperation, guilt, shame, loss, and finally into a world of unconditional love and acceptance.

A spiritual journey that breaks through tradition and dogma to discover the depth of what it means to live loved.

Visit Silent Gays

A support organisation for LGBT people struggling with religion and related abuse.